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Savage Destiny Phoebe Conn 33440K 2023-08-28

Part I

Chapter 1

April, 1754, Williainia

Had the Indian known the Barclay brothers lived in such nificent splendor, he would not have accepted their invitation Regrettably, now that their bateau had rounded the bend in the James River and the stately, three-story brick ent need to be elsewhere The Indian tried not to gape at the mansion he had mistakenly assumed would be a si houses of the Iroquois

The Indian prided hi clever, but he had certainly outsmarted himself this tilish from William Johnson One of the few honest traders, Johnson not only paid Indians what their furs orth, he also sold theoods at fair prices The Indian had learned that Johnson could be trusted, and because the white e, the brave had become determined to learn his Not satisfied with that acco as well It amused him to possess those skills, when there hite trappers who had to draw a crude X for their mark

He found no humor in his present situation, however

The sun's late afternoon rays reflected off the i flashes that pained him alht have been eager to hire hiinia Militia, but the Indian doubted the rest of their fae Determined not to be huht soon hear, without suffering a loss of dignity

A shout from the yard drew Melissa to the bedroom"It's Byron and Elliott!" she called excitedly to the quiet cousin who shared her roo pair, Melissa grabbed the shy girl's hand and did not release her until they had left the house Melissa ran on across the laard the dock, but without her enthusiastic lead, Alanna's pace slowed to a hesitant walk

Eager to greet her brothers, Melissa had already thrown herself into Byron's ar their gear from the bateau His back was toward her, and because of his rustic garb, she dismissed hi Elliott as well "I've missed you!" she assured the holy dull"

"I can't believe your Lieutenant Scott didn't come to call just because eren't here," Byron teased

Not above flirting with her handsome fair-haired brothers, Melissa struck a coquettish pose "I'll admit that Ian stopped by a few times, but he's your friend as well as mine, and don't bother to deny it"

While the brothers continued to exchange playful jests with their sister, the Indian re his broad shoulders, straightened up to his full height Nearly six feet tall, he was Byron's equal in stature, and slightly taller than Elliott The brothers had mentioned their sister, but had failed to colance at the petite blonde in the pretty blue dress, was all the Indian needed to doubt that a lieutenant was her only suitor He was curious as to what her response to hi i woman who had accompanied her from the house

Unlike Melissa, she was not dressed in a bright silk goith a graceful hoop skirt Instead, she was clad in plain homespun fabrics in faded shades of lavender, and her skirt fell about her ankles in limp folds Melissa's white cap was lavishly decorated with lace to provide a delightfully feirl's unadorned cap appeared to have been yanked into place in a vain attempt to cover an unruly tawny mane The Indian assumed she was Melissa'slady would e servant

Then the unkeaze met his and the Indian ceased to ponder the question, for she had the reen eyes he had ever seen Trained to recognize signs invisible to careless h the heart of the forest, when others had given up in frustration or despair How a man with his keen powers of observation had failed to discover at first glance that this reserved young woman was far more lovely than the Barclay's vivacious sister, mystified him Her features were every bit as delicate and sweet as Melissa's, but her eyes held the pro in Melissa's flirtatious gaze

Instantly deciding that he liked her, the Indian broke into a wide, char with the shy sirl's expression filled with anguish, and with a stifled cry of alarm she fled the dock and ran back toward the house

Startled by Alanna's hasty departure, Melissa stared after her until she had disappeared from view It wasn't until she turned back toward her brothers that she saw the Indian's face for the first tihtened her ti what he was, she began to berate her brothers

"I believed you to be gentlemen, not insensitive brutes! Whatever possessed you two to bring an Indian here?" she asked "Didn't you realize what the sight of hiestured in the Indian's direction, she was startled to find hi her with a darkly insolent stare She had never been that close to an Indian brave, and that this one was handso He wore his thick, black hair tied at his nape in the style whitefree; so

it was no wonder that at first glance she had mistaken him for a woodsman

His attractive features ell-chiseled, and his smooth bronze skin un in book illustrations Her curiosity piqued, her eyes swept down his well-muscled physique, and she could not help but wonder if his sleek body were adorned with decorative patterns in places his buckskins hid froaze returned to his face, and this time she smiled