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1 Jedi Sex Tricks


2 Weeks After High School Graduation

Why the hell was I driving to Collinsville to watch Dane Wicka a two-hundred dollar bet that he would win? I didn’t know jack about racing and if I had to guess, Dane didn’t either Sure, his parents bought hiraduation, but that didn’t mean he kne to race it

I stopped at a red light just before we entered Collinsville, Jessie’s old storound, and looked up ininto race?”

“Yeah, I went to school with Hawke at Collinsville We were in the same class and I’ve helped him out with his car before”

“Hawke?” I laughed and the only thing I could picture was so hooked nose like a bad cartoon “What kind of na that to him”

“His name is Nick Hawke, but everyone calls him Hawke and the name suits him pretty well He’s very well known for his predatory nature”

That didn’t sound like a compliment “A predator? Like a hunter?”

I watched Jessie laughing in irls are his chosen prey”

Claire twisted around in her seat to look at Jessie “That’s funny because I was under the impression that the Collinsville ladies’ man left when you came to East Franklin”

“No, Haas always the favorite a the chicks They love his pretty face I swear he can sweet talk hiirl’s pants, so I want you to keep your distance fro for any of his Jedi sex tricks”

What tha’? I spun around to look at Jessie sitting in the backseat behind Claire “Did you just say Jedi sex tricks?”

So around to look at Jessie, I forgot I was the one in the driver’s seat and my foot accidentally slipped from the brake to the accelerator

“Payton, look out!” Claire squealed just before I rammed into the back of the car stopped in front of us

The whole thing happened in a split second Shit My parents were going to killrecord ever, but at least I’d never gotten into an accident Sohistory

Jessie leaned toward me in the driver’s seat “Yes, I said Jedi sex tricks”

“Shut up,” I barked as I looked at the car in front of us to assess the da fro his door open and get out to look at the back of his car before he turned and stared at me with narrowed eyes

Oh My Gosh I justdriven by quite possibly the hottest guy I’d ever seen The problem other than the obvious? He was pissed about it, like really pissed, and he was staring at le me