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Chapter One

Just once, Aaron Walker thought with a deep sigh, it would be nice if his twin brother, Andreould be the one to screw up Nothingor a little reckless So and well-intended fa other than Aaron’s latest debacle But even as the selfish wish crossed his mind, he kneas futile Andrew rarely nitude as Aaron’s Andreas the one

Sure, Andrew had been known to raise a little hell in his time, especially as a iven to the twins and their sa their mischief-prone childhood and teen years But now Casey had settled doith a wife and a legal practice in east Tennessee, while Andreas rising in the ranks of the faation and security business Aaron was the only one still regularly causing general concern and disapproval

Especially during the past few months, all Andrew did ork and complain about Aaron’s lack of focus Aaron had just endured another one of those brotherly lectures, triggered by his decision to quit yet another job that hadn’t been working out for him Andrew had stated that it was tiet serious about his life and his future If he was determined not to work in the family business, he needed to find a purpose, and soon Andreasn’t the first faiven Aaron that speech—he’d also heard it frorandfather and a couple of random cousins—but Andreas the one who most annoyed him Had Andrew not been called out of his office for a quick consultation, they’d probably be in the ht this minute

Though Andrew had asked hi the quarrel for later Just as he rose to walk out of the office, a colorful brochure lying on the floor beside the trash can caught his eye It looked as though Andrew had tossed it that way and missed the receptacle For no particular reason, Aaron picked it up and studied the bright photograp

hs printed on the glossy trifold

Bell Resort and Marina was located on Lake Livingston, a large reservoir roughly a hundred and seventy-five miles southeast of Dallas Aaron had never been to that particular resort, but he’d visited the lake a ti, nice scenery Eyeing the photos of people skiing, swi in the sun, he wished he were there rather than here in Dallas with his beloved but disapproving family Just for a little while, until he could return to them with a solid new career plan in roup, to deter family who hadn’t yet found the path he wanted to follow On impulse, he stuffed the brochure in his pocket and headed for the door

Twenty-four hours later, he stood beside his car, idly watching nu his tank It was midafternoon on this second Tuesday in June, the teh su in the overheated air He reached up to tug at the neckline of the bright blue T-shirt he ith khaki cargo shorts and sandals His longish, near-black hair clung damply to the back of his neck After his al under a tree by the water’s edge with a cold beer

According to his directions, Bell Resort was only another fifteen-minute drive away from this little tohere he’d stopped for a fuel-and-restroom break There wasn’t much to see here—from where he stood, he spotted a few houses, a thrift shop, a dollar store and a tiny post office Just the sort of laid-back area he needed in which to brood for a few days Maybe a week There was no one here to shake a head or a finger at him, no one to lecture him or advise him, no one here who knew him at all

Even as that thought crossed hiswoman in a tank top and shorts squealed and alood to see you again!”

Aaron staggered a little with the assault, but quickly recovered his balance He couldn’t say he was displeased about suddenly finding his arms filled with a petite, curvy blonde, but he had no clue who she was “Um—”

She drew back a few inches to sot how to form words Da, dark lashes Dih to fall into A nose that could only be described as “pert,” and full lips curved into a smile that made his knees feel suddenly shaky Her scoop-necked top revealed the upper curves of perfectly sized, creamy breasts, and he could tell by feel that the rest of her was just as nicely formed

Oh, yeah, coood idea

“You are coain “You’re here because I sent you the brochure and the reminder that you’re alelcome?”

The Bell Resort and Marina had been Aaron’s destination, though he hadn’t taken the time to make reservations It looked ideal in the brochure his brother had tossed in the trash, but Aaron figured he’d find a room somewhere else on the lake if the resort was full He hadn’t seen the personal invitation that had been enclosed with the brochure, so either Andrew had held on to it or thrown it away separately “Well, yes, I thought I’d relax for a few days if there’s a vacancy But—”

“Great!” She hugged hiain, then pulled away He released her reluctantly “Of course there’s a vacancy for you! Everyone is going to be so happy to see you We’re all still so grateful to you for what you did for us last year”

“Listen, you—”

“You’ve grown out your hair,” she said, studying him with her head cocked to one side “I like it”

He was beginning to understand Now if only he could get a feords in to explain it to her “Thanks, but I—”

“You should see Lori’s hair She dyed it coal-black with blue streaks Dad nearly had a conniption Pop said she looks like she bruised her head Steven thinks it’s funny, but Lori coh a lot”

“Yes, well, I—”

“Hey, Shelby, how’s it going?” a lanky young man in a faded camo T-shirt, denim shorts and a sweat-stained red ball cap called out as he ambled from the store toward a battered pickup truck parked at one of the other gas pumps