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Raze (Riven 3) Roan Parrish 14030K 2023-08-28

Chapter 1


In the corner ofloudly and out of tune My temples throbbed in rebellion and the man’s friends cheered

How the hell had I let Johi talk me into this?

Johi passed me a bar mop, took one look at my face, and rolled her eyes

“Come on, it’s not that bad,” she said “Just tune it out like you tune out all the stupid conversations people have in here every night”

A ivena randoh to stay in business in 2003, but at this point you need a draw Karaoke is fun, inexpensive, and people have to drink to force their carcasses onstage to ood for business”

She’d emailed me links to the research she’d done and pro she said made sense, and the bar could certainly use an income boost We already had a small raised platform in the corner where live bands once performed

Johi had done everything, just as she’d said she would She’d even gotten her rooht that the activity would draw a crowd

Now, though, I realized she was trying hard to keep a straight face In fact, I thought she ht


“Hmm?” she said casually—too casually

“Did you just win a bet with soht?”

She gasped, as if rinned

I sighed “Was it Whitman?”

“Dude, no It wasn’t a bet—though now I realize I could’ve totally h, but I seriously love karaoke Like, it will et to watch it So I’iven my life, that’s all”