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Shyly tucking lanced at Theo out of the corner of ht hadn’t turned the sky co his profile in shadow as he drove through the busy New York City traffic

When his mother had offered me a ride, I’d readily accepted, thankful for a way home that didn’t include public transportation I was already so tired from not onlyjobs before I arrived at the Volkov home to tutor Sofia

Mrs Volkov always offeredclient’s house or back houards who drove me When I walked down the front steps of their ainst the side of his sleek car, I’d nearly stumbled down to the driveway

“Careful,” he’d called Moving forith the speed and grace of a panther, he’d offered ers touched my wrist, I felt an electrical zap to e

Instead of releasing me, he kept his hand wrapped firer side of his car Opening the door, he assistedthe seat belt in hand, he leaned acrossit into place

The scent of his cologne hitat how good he s to hold a part of him inside me for a moment

Theo had to know I had the biggest crush on him Only, it was more than that for me So, so much more As soon as Iabout him that drew me to him Not just his looks but him

He’d been kind tothe tithose occasions, ould laugh together, even flirt, and ittoo The way he would look atand desperate to memorize every feature on my face…

Yet he never once made a move, which confused the hell out of me He would teach me a neord in Russian every tiht up with pride and soht away

He pulled back fromy entire body aflame I couldn’t hide a shiver as he winked down atthe door

Now, as he drove through the city, I saw hilance my way I felt ht checking hinawed low inover, took ht

Lifting it, he kissedain “So beautiful,” he“Let’s get you home, krasotka”

Fifteen etthe door for me When he offered his hand, I readily placed mine in his and stepped out

“Are you allowed visitors?” he asked, keeping htly ensnared in his

“It’s not a convent, Theo,” I told hi people to my dorm”

He pulled his brows together, his entire face turning to stone “And do you have guests often, krasotka?” he gritted out between clenched teeth For a moment, I actually wondered if he was jealous

“So far, I’ve only had Sofia visit me And once, your father came up”

His brow instantly smoothed out, and he lifted my hand to his mouth “Show me your dorm room, Tavia”

Chapter 1


Gathering rinned at the girl as quite possiblyclient “Great job on that test last week I knew you would blow that Trig exaht out of the water”

Sofia Volkov gaveout of her clear blue eyes She o years younger than me and my cos in common Like the fact that ere both orphans Only, Sofia had been adopted by one of the e back in Russia where she had lived for the first few months of her life