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Chapter 1


Fists at boob level, elbows back, I lead , Sweet but Psycho

Yeah, it’s pretty

“Step touch, throw your hand down in front,” I sing into the headset, exaggerating the

Dance cardio is hts a week at the cahts Anything to keep e for a coeek

It does border on obsessive, but it’s not one of those body-hatred kind of things I’ out to achieve some body ideal or to look a certain way

I just need toin my body, otherwise

Dissociative disorder is the official diagnosis I check out when things get intense for me Movement helps Pain and sex work even better

General consensus—I’m broken

But that doesn’tout

The siphon I put on the Tacone family’s casino business—the one where I skiot shut doeeks ago

And even though I used an off-shore account for storing the funds before they paid for e tuition, there’s a decent chance I’ with the fishes, as they say

But I knew that going into e scheme

“Wide second position, deep breath in” I start the cool down It’s always over too soon I lead the class through the closing stretches and thank the

“Thank you, Caitlin” My students wave and smile as they leave Here, I’m almost nor graduate student getting her workout

It’s when people get to know ive a wide berth around Which is totally fine with me

I grabup es Not that I ever have any It’s just an anxious habit from when my brother Trevor was still in foster care, and I would freak out if he didn’t contact me every day to let me knoas still alive

Still okay Not living the nightmare I’d lived

It’s one of the many quirks I have the Tacones to thank for The side effect of having a dad murdered by the mob

Except now that I’ve hadI shouldn’t have stirred the hornet’s nest

I was probably better use to Trevor alive than dead Even if I did generate enough funds to pay our college tuition

I’d better warn hiht up

“Hey, Caitie” He’s the only person I let call me that