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‘The Romans would have occupied that position and built a fortress so they could keep a close eye on their enemies’

‘But it’s a long ay’

‘True, but it has a panora Carter’s house But as we’re not Romans let’s hope it’s a hotel,’ Jackie said as she climbed back into the car

Williaht as he wound his way slowly up the hill until he spotted a sign announcing Sea View Hotel, with an arrow pointing up a long drive

‘All we need now is for the roo bayat the front to be available for the next few days,’ said Jackie ‘You do the talking I’ll try and look meek’

‘That will be a first,’ muttered William as he parked the car

‘Good afternoon,’ said the young woman at the reception desk ‘How can I help you?’

‘We ondering if the roo the bay was free,’ said William

‘The Queen Anne suite? Let ister, before saying, ‘Yes, but only for a couple of nights The room’s already booked for Wednesday’

‘How much?’ asked William

‘Thirty pounds a night, br

eakfast included’

William hesitated ‘We’ll take it,’ said Jackie, and whispered, ‘Mr and Mrs Sister

‘The porter will take the bags up to your roo him a key

William wondered how many Mr and Mrs Smiths had occupied the Queen Anne suite over the years Certainly none to do what he and Jackie had in mind