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‘Left for where?’

‘No idea, sir’

‘What about theer on the words ‘Bishop’s Move, arrived 855 a?’

‘No idea, sir,’ repeated the hapless guard

Faulkner grabbed the phone, and it took hier reluctantly gave him the information he wanted He leapt back in the taxi and said ‘Southa meter The cabbie couldn’t believe his luck

The commander sat alone in the back of the lead car They were followed by a Black Maria with six constables and a sergeant on board Bringing up the rear was a Wolseley with DCI La seat Mob-handed was how La to take any risks

The little convoy kept to the inside lane of the h they never once exceeded the speed lied to reach the exit for Southampton docks with a couple of hours to spare

Hawksby immediately reported to the harbour master, who confirmed that the MV Christina was due to dock at quay twenty-nine around seven that evening The commander then handed the harbour master a special warrant which authorized the removal of one specific crate from the yacht, without interference or inspection by customs and excise

‘Must be the Croels,’ said the harbour master, after he’d studied the warra


‘Not far off,’ said Hawksby ‘But all I can tell you is that it has to be handled with the utht’

‘Sounds like Dracula’

‘No, that’s the present owner,’ said Hawksby

‘Can I help in any way?’

‘It wouldn’t do any har around, just in case there’s any trouble’