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‘Did you indeed, Mr Faulkner? Let us hope you won’t be spending any hts in jail No further questions, Your Honour’

‘What’s your point?’ asked Sir Julian as Grace laid out a set of large black-and-white photographs on the bench between them

‘The photos show Stern leaving the court after you’d cross-examined him’

‘I can see that But what do they prove, other than that he’s enjoying the liht?’

‘Not for er, I suspect Take a closer look, Dad, and you’ll notice so Stern didn’t want us to see’

‘I’m still none the wiser,’ confessed her father after he’d taken a second look at the photographs

‘The leather jacket is Versace, and the shoes are Gucci loafers, top of the range’

‘And the watch?’ said Sir Julian, catching on

‘A Cartier Tank And it’s not a fake, unlike the man’

‘Stern certainly couldn’t afford those kinds of luxuries on a detective inspector’s pension’

‘And there’s a bonus,’ said Grace, pointing to another couple of photos showing Stern cliistered in his name’

‘I think it’s tie in cha to allow us to inspect Stern’s bank accounts’

‘Do you think the jury believed a word of that codswallop?’ asked William, after Mr Justice Nourse had called for a recess

‘I’m not sure,’ said Hawksby ‘But it doesn’t help that Mrs Faulkner was

so obviously planning to steal her husband’s art collection So the jury will have the unenviable task of deciding which one of the in court twenty-two?’