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Another year passed before Ruth agreed to visit an adoption society and with one of those coincidences that fate decides, and novelists are not allowed to consider, she becanant on the day she was due to visit a local children’s home This time Robert was determined to ensure that hu to enter this world

Ruth took her husband’s advice, and resigned as chairreed that a full-time nurse should be employed—in Robert’s words—to keep a watchful eye on her Mr Davenport interviewed several applicants for the post and short-listed those whom he considered held the necessary qualifications But his final choice would be based solely on whether he was convinced the applicant was strong-willed enough to reement to “take it easy,” and to insist she didn’t lapse into any old habits of wanting to organize everything she came across

After a third round of interviews, Robert settled on a Miss Heather Nichol, as a senior nurse on theof St Patrick’s He liked her no-nonsense approach and the fact that she was neither raced with the kind of looks that would ensure that situation was likely to change in the foreseeable future However, what finally tipped the balance was that Miss Nichol had already delivered over a thousand children into the world

Robert was delighted by how quickly Miss Nichol settled into the household, and as each month slipped by, even he started to feel confident that they wouldn’t be facing the same problem a third time When Ruth passed first five, six, and then seven months without incident, Robert even raised the subject of possible Christian names: Fletcher Andrew if it was a boy, Victoria Grace if it was a girl Ruth expressed only one preference;

that were it a boy he should be known as Andrew, but all she hoped for was to be delivered of a healthy child

Robert was in New York attending a medical conference, when Miss Nichol called him out of a seun He assured her he would return by train iht to St Patrick’s

Dr Greenas leaving the building, having successfully delivered the Cartwright twins, when he spotted Ruth Davenport co doors accoht up with the two ladies before the elevator doors closed

Once he had settled his patient into a private room, Dr Greenwood quickly assembled the finest obstetrics team the hospital could muster Had Mrs Davenport been a normal patient, he and Miss Nichol could have delivered the child without having to call on any extra assistance However, following an examination, he realized that Ruth would require a Caesarean section if the child was to be delivered safely He looked toward the ceiling and sent up a silent prayer, acutely aware that this was going to be her last chance

The delivery took just over forty lih of relief, but it wasn’t until the doctor cut the umbilical cord that she added “Alleluia” Ruth, as still under a general anesthetic, was unable to see the relieved smile on Dr Greenwood’s face He quickly left the theater to tell the expectant father, “It’s a boy”

While Ruth slept peacefully it was left to Miss Nichol to take Fletcher Andrew off to the special care unit where he would share his first few hours with several other progeny Once she had tucked up the child in his little crib, she left the nurse to watch over hi to Ruth’s room Miss Nichol settled herself into a comfortable chair in the corner and tried to stay awake

Just as night was conte day, Miss Nichol ith a start She heard the words, “Can I see my son?”

“Of course you can, Mrs Davenport,” replied Miss Nichol, rising quickly froo and fetch little Andrew” As she closed the door behind her, she added, “I’ll be back in a few moments”

Ruth pulled herself up, plumped up her pilloitched on the bedside laer anticipation

As Miss Nichol walked along the corridor, she checked her watch It was 4:31 AM She took the stairs down to the fifth floor and made her way to the nursery Miss Nichol opened the door quietly so as not to wake any of the sleeping offspring, As she entered the roo overhead, her eyes settled on the night nurse dozing in the corner She didn’t disturb the young woman as it was probably the only few ht-hour shift

Miss Nichol tiptoed between the ts of cots, stopping only for a lance at the twins in the double crib that had been placed next to Fletcher Andrew Davenport