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“The floor’s all yours, Dan”

“Barbara Hunter has just issued a press release challenging Fletcher to a debate Presun of so to lose That’s what you always did”

Harry was silent for a ht, Dan, I did,” he eventually said, “but only because I was the incumbent and treated her as an upstart In any case, I had nothing to gain froed now that we’re fielding an unknown candidate, so I think we need to discuss the idea more fully before we coes? Opinions?” he said Voices all started speaking at once

“Gives our man more exposure”

“Gives her the center stage”

“Proves we have the outstanding debater, which because of his youth will come as a surprise”

“She knows the local problems—we could look inexperienced and ill-informed”

“We look young, dynaetic”

“She looks experienced, canny and seasoned”

“We represent the youth of tomorrow”

“She represents the women of today”

“Fletcher could wipe the floor with her”

“She wins the debate, and we lose the election”

“Well, noe’ve heard the committee’s views, perhaps it’s time to consider the candidate’s,” said Harry

“I’m quite happy to debate with Mrs Hunter,” said Fletcher “People will assume she’s more impressive simply because of her past record and my lack of experience, so I e”