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"Guess who?"

Haven's warainstleaves a sh my eyes are covered and closed, I know that her dyed black hair is parted in the middle, her black vinyl corset is worn over a turtleneck (keeping in compliance with our school's dress-code policy), her brand-new, floorsweeping, black satin skirt already has a hole near the heht it with the toe of her Doc Martens boots, and her eyes appear gold but that's only because she's wearing yellow contacts

I also know her dad isn't really away on "business" like he said, her mom's personal trainer's way more "personal" than "trainer," and her little brother broke her Evanescence CD but he's too afraid to tell her

But I don't know any of this fro told I know because I'm psychic

"Hurry! Guess! The bell's gonna ring!" she says, her voice hoarse, raspy, like she s once

I stall, thinking of the last person she'd ever want to be mistaken for "Is it Hilary Duff?"

"Ew Guess again!" She presses tighter, having no idea that I don't have to see to know

"Is it Mrs Marilyn Manson?"

She laughs and lets go, licking her thu for the tarnish tattoo she left on my cheek, but I raise rossed out by the thought of her saliva (I mean, I know she's healthy), but because I don't want her to touch , so I try to avoid it at all costs

She grabs the hood of my sweatshirt and flicks it off my head, then squints atto?"

I reach inside the iPod pocket I've stitched into all ofthose ubiquitous white cords fro out when she says, "What the? I les the iPod between us so we can both hear Sid Vicious screa about anarchy in the UK And the truth is, I don't know if Sid's for it or against it I just know that he's alhtened senses

"Sex Pistols," I say, clicking it off and returning it to my secret compartment

"I'm surprised you could even hear s

But I just shrug I don't need to listen to hear Though it's not like I mention that I just tell her I'll see her at lunch and head toward class,when I sense these two guys sneaking up behind her, stepping on the he her fall But when she turns and n of evil, it's just solares at them with her yellow eyes, they ih of relief as I push into class, knowing it won't be long before the lingering energy of Haven's touch fades

I head towardthe purse Stacia Miller has purposely placed inher daily serenade of "Looo-ser" she croons under her breath Then I slide onto , insert my earpiece, pull my hood back over my head, drop my backpack on the empty seat beside me, and wait for MrRobins to show

Mr Robins is always late Mostly because he likes to take a few nips from his small silver flask between classes But that's only because his wife yells at hihter thinks he's a loser, and he pretty much hates his life I learned all of that on my first day at this school, when ave hi in, I just leave it on the edge of his desk

I closeinsideSid Vicious to soer necessary now that I'uess the sy somewhat contained