Page 23 (1/2)

I have a tiny refrigerator under the table Everything is in miniature, which suits me because I’m actually not that tall

I only notice how short I a near Brandon, who still has to stoop to stop his head fro

His eyes narrow, and although I know he’s not ure out that he’s not happy hat he sees when he looks at where and how I’

“This ends today,” he says in a deep, gravelly voice Al to himself, but I know he means for me to hear it too

“What do yousuddenly defensive

“I won’t have you living like this, Ashlee If I’d known they were doing this to you, I would never have given theet you myself and a lot sooner,” he says with conviction His whole body tensing up as the corners of his ry frown

“What are you talking about?” I exclai up in the air

“Cynthia and Mark have done iven ht add,” I al with nerves My eyes starting to mist over

“They haven’t done anything to me, Brandon They’ve done a hell of a lot forback tears now

It’s useless to argue with soant once he’sBut I’m very defensive of anyone who’d try to criticize my bosses

They’re more like family to me than employers They’re also my only friends

I half expect Brandon to counter my co his head as he looks around again

The look of a


I covermy eyes dry I force a smile to try and break the aardness of the moment

“Are we gonna fight now?” I ask, forcing a nervous laugh that soundsas it bounces off the walls

Brandon shakes his head slowly, his own features softening as heme by the elbows

“I only hat you deserve,” he says softly “I don’t think your bosses are bad people, but I know you deserve ive it to you,” he explains

I feel a ripple of nerves run across my belly

I know he’s right but I like it here It’s so snug Everything I need to keep busy is at o anywhere