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Making me feel a lump in my throat

Making le tear stain my face

“Ash?” I croak “Quit fooling around will ya”

She’s turned away for a moment, and when I move to face her, both her eyes are as wet as mine

She’s not fooling I know she’s not

“Youto ask I can see it in her eyes Feel it in her lips as they press againstback a wave of emotions

“Yep, I saw the doctor yesterday, and I couldn’t wait another seven month to find out like we did with this little man,” she tells me

“Why didn’t you…?” I try to ask, but she only shrugs

“I wanted to give you a surprise for a change, Brandon,” she says, her voice cracking with emotion

“All this, everything we have It’s all because of you I just wanted to have one surprise, soe”

“Oh baby,” I whisper, holding her close, holding our son

Holding a hand to her belly and feeling our faether Like we should be

Like we’ll always be


I love you, Ashlee Jairl…

I love you all more than you’ll know