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Until Jake Calista Fox 9860K 2023-08-28

He didn’t stop and sink into the sofa to be waited on Instead, he was hot on her heels

“Let me open that for you,” he said as he reached for the bottle in her hand The nearness of hih her

Christ, she just ht fry from the inside out

Would it be so bad and wrong to tell him now, point-blank, what she wanted from hiranite counter and bang the hell out of her?

A strangled sound wrenched froh

Her chest rose and fell with excite for calrasp, she laid the rose on the counter, handed over the wine pull and retrieved two fresh glasses

Jake slass to hers so the rims touched

“I’lad you stopped by the site today, Kate,” he said His shi she almost didn’t hear him speak “I’ve seen you before On your way to and fro I was really happy when you came over and introduced yourself”

He’d noticed her before today? The thought did wicked things to every erogenous zone she possessed Pro her to say, “Think I’ll put the steaks on now”

The faster dinner was served, the faster they could get down to business

“You didn’t have to cook”

Her brow quirked “Oh?”

He knew exactly what she was up to?

His easy grin returned and it made her heart miss a beat “I would have liked to have taken you out So sip of Cab before adding, “Next time”

There it was Another skipped beat Her Adonis was turning out to be a nice guy A nice, rouy?