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Rohee them in the box

“I remember when I was in elementary school, and all the boys used to bully me because, even back then, gots, and I felt like they only triedback then, and because of that,that I was soft One day, I just got fed the fuck up, and I started beating everybody’s ass That’s the sa to slip up and call her a bitch one too ot my money on her anyway, since you been fuckin’ with her,” Roheem said, and I waved him off

“Please! That bitch ain’t no match for me, Roheem, and you know it,” I said as I stood up

“And theht that I was notheir ass beat See you tomorrow, boo,” he cooed

He carabbed up one of the boxes Sidnesha ca anything else toshe could say or do that would oing to try to be on my best behavior tohter andday

Khari’s big birthday celebration

“Ooohh, Mommy Look at all those bounce houses It’s Cinderella, Mahter cooed as she sat in her booster seat and looked out of the

Everything that she’d asked for had co brother had his birthday celebration—which I wasn’t able to attend, but I knew all about it, thanks to Khari—she knew that she wanted to have a big birthday celebration this year when she would turn six years old My daughter was obsessed with anything Disney, but she mainly loved Cinderella, so it was no surprise that she asked for a ical, Cinderella-themed birthday party

My er seat, and both hters were in the backseat As we pulled up, we could hear the DJ blastingin their seats Khari had to est pavilion, it was filled with soday with her There were soaround, in the bounce houses, on the ponies, riding the train, or face painting, which was just half the things that Khari had asked for

Out of all the cars that were parked, it’s funny how my baby daddy’s Porsche stood out His car was parked toward the front, and because it was such a nice-looking car with the big, spinning rims, of course, it stood out more than any other vehicle there Or maybe it was I made a point to search the lot for his car once we pulled up

I looked out, exa around, and all I could think was that hter had to have invited every damn kid that she’d ever met in her life There were just too h candy bags last night because I wasn’t expecting a turn out this big Khari had to have been sneaking some of those invitations with her when school was still in session This looked like a mini summer camp with all those bad ass kids out there

“I see it, hter

She was dancing in her seat, excited and eager to get out and start enjoying her party My ot out first Since there were child safety locks on the back doors, we had to help the girls get out I sighed, just trying to catch s these days would have a bitch out of breath I would have agreed to nancy, but I wanted a son, so I wouldn’t even say that this would be the last baby that I toted

What I did know is that I didn’t plan to have any a who shot this club up, I swear to God there had to be a ring on ht noere just fucked up when it came to allthe title of being Khari’s dad, but the truth of the matter is thatmultiple life sentences

When I heard the news about Reggie, I screary screaa had gotten exactly what his ass deserved I wanted nothing to do with that nigga, and I didn’t want anyone reaching out toto have a relationship with my kids, not even his damn mama I knew that if I had any kind of relationship with her, she would go behind my back and send pictures of my kids to him, and I didn’t want that at all