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Adrian and I rotate through our re six sets I don’t knoas in that clay, but there is hardly a chip on the preference towards the yellow set with the fat, purple flying saucers The leafy jungle ones are a very close second

The way Adrian loves my crazy dishes makes me feel like part of a real couple, instead of just one of the accessories in his life Lately I often feel removed fro things like this brings me back Cal and real Reassures ive him, and that he truly wants it

When we got engaged we registered for lovely square white china, and received every single piece down to the oblong gravy boat We have barely used any of it Thanks to Adrian’s coaching, our guests insist on the monkey plates

Chapter 41

So here were Jeb and I, seated at the Golden Dragon again I ordered a wholea cheapskate the other times

“I need some more money,” said Jeb

“How much?” I asked

“Another fifteen hundred”

“I don’t have fifteen hundred dollars with me today, obviously”

“No, I know you’re good for it, I’ood news: I got a guy as arrested in Minneapolis in 1989 for raping women He liked to put duct tape over their mouths, and he wrapped their hands up like your sister’s looked He just got out about six ood bet But I need to do so on it for one thing Follow him around a little So fifteen hundred should cover the trip to Minneapolis, and I’ to need that soon, and then I’ll let you knohere we’re at after that”

Fifteen hundred dollars to go to Minneapolis and track down ameals and hotels? Seemed fair to me

“Okay,” I said

“Mind if I have a couple of those, if you aren’t going to eat the to the plate between us

“Go ahead”

I ruive up I saw a s and I discovered a really nice fountain pen Adrian had givenit again gavenew I reraved scrolls on it