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His mouth

Not quite full, not quite thin Just the right shape for an easy sot that look—the one that said he was thinking of doing so reckless

I’d move closer, and he’d part his lips His eyes would drift to my—

“Acari Drew ”

The stern voice broughtabout him The vampire My vampire Carden McCloud

“Are you paying attention?” e and not one of the va in class when a vah on the list of Stupid and Possibly Deadly Things to Do

Just after bonding with a vampire

Like I’d bonded with Carden McCloud

His , an accidental slip, a hot kiss …

“Acari Drew?”

“Yes, Tracer Judge,” I said autoave a quick shake to my head to clear it

Focus I was in class Combat Medicine It was actually kind of cool I wanted to focus

I wouldn’t callthey had going around here My brains hat made me stand out But it’d been my abusive, deadbeat dad who’d hardened ht

Generally, every girl here had been an outcast in her fories and gang girls Bad seeds We were the sorts of girls who’d never be missed