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“I got a letter from my dad,” I said quietly

“You did?”

“Yeah” I cleared my throat “I’ll show it to you It was also part of whatHow stupid it was to let o call the shots When I think about my life and hoant to live it, you’re there”

She kissed hter

“I want to take care of you,” I said gruffly “I know you don’t need it, but I do”

“I love that you’re protective of me” Her tone was adorably ferocious “I love that you’re older than hter and always trying to keep the people close to you safe”

I rubbed her back “Even though I’re at heart?”

She laughed “Even so You’re re, and I’ll be your princess forever”

My forehead rested on hers “I e could spend tonight together I want to wake up next to you”

“I want that too, but we’ll have lots of nights together”

“Can the girls and I still take you to breakfast in the ?”

“You better” She leaned back again “What was that about a ic spell?”

“That was your doing—I assu?”

“I did, but I had no idea they re toward the house “Are they going to claim responsibility for this?”

“Of course they are They said it worked for the cat, and noorked on us”

“They’ll probably ask for a dog next,” Winnie said as we stepped onto the porch

“Or a baby brother”

She looked up at hed “Does that terrify you?”

“Actually, it doesn’t”

Her jaw dropped