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Sin City Baby Rye Hart 14130K 2023-08-28

I grabbed another piece of toast and walked out of the kitchen, leaving everyone else to think as I headed to my room


Even though I thought I would beat my dad to the punch, he was actually in the kitchen when I walked in His back was to e, but I could tell by the twitch in his shoulder that he’d heard me come in

“At least Blake got you home,” he said huskily

“I’ and I passed out on their couch”

I saw hian to flutter I’d never lied to my father before Ever I made it a point not to, especially after Mom died He was a wreck and I was the only one here to take care of him, so I wanted tohe needed to do after grieving her death was try to figure out the irl

But here I stood, lying to hi that had ever happened in my life

I knew if I told him what happened, it would break him Not only that, it would break the relationship he had with the Trent Brothers He trusted them like they were his own sons and if he ever found out what happened between us all last night, he’d kill every single one of them

“Figured as over?”

I could hear the grin in his voice as I shook my head

“Harper already fed me,” I said

“He’s always been the cook of the family,” he said

“I’h,” I said “I’m a sweater when I drink”

“Gross,” he said I stalked up to my room and peeled my clothes off my body I stood inthe marks left behind all over my body There were marks on my breasts and marks on hs and even led at the idea of what happened last night, I was still wary of the line I’d crossed with thes to happen so quickly and, as I turned on the hot water and let the steam surrou

nda mile a minute