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“Soin a way, this is really good,” she told Craig, nodding S “My baby will not only know that I wanted hily and consciously, chose every aspect of her birth, but that her biological co born into a loving, secure home”

Yes, it was all wrapping up rather neatly Or so she hoped

Chapter Eight


Craig glanced over at Aasped, and put her hand to her lower stomach Immediately on alert, he assessed her skin color, her pupils “What?” he asked, reaching a hand auto her abdomen

“Excusehis hand away “I had acramp” She looked away, off the balcony, and he followed suit

What in the hell was he doing, touching her?

And how could it possibly have felt like the sun had come out inside him?

“If you’re craain, and asked, “Do you mind if I justfeel your pulse?”

Flinging her arain, and didn’t flinch when his hand wrapped around the war Gave himself the chance to re, at the same time, that her pulse was a tad fast

“It was justyou knowindigestion type,” she said when Craig dropped her wrist He tried to forget he’d put his hand on her stoet how much he’d liked it there

“Is everything okay, doctor?” She was s hi on her That it was okay

“Steady pulse, perfect rhyth out the fast pace part It had already slowed by the tio Which told him the increased rate had most likely been due to his touch

“So, do you have any more questions?”

She wasn’t kicking hi had just happened between the the tiether, he could come up with a whole lot more