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Eve studied the steady green eyes, saw anger but no shock or reue?"

"We had a feords" Lisbeth lifted her claret to full lips painted the same rich tone as the wine "Most of theed her shoulders and silk rustled "I accepted that, even found it endearing in ave him three years of my life"

Now she leaned forward, eyes snapping with the te which tiements, other relationships But I was faithful He was not"

She drew in a breath, leaned back again, very nearly smiled "Now he's dead"

"Yeah, we got that part" Eve heard the ugly suck and scrape as the tea steel spike fro the drill with you, Ms Cooke, with the intention of using it as a weapon?"

"No, it's J C's He putters occasionally He lance toward the body the crihastly ballet of ht, well, that's just perfect, isn't it? So I picked it up, flicked it on And used it"

It didn't get much simpler, Eve mused, and rose "Ms Cooke, these officers will take you down to Cop Central I'll have some more questions for you"

Obligingly, Lisbeth sed the last of the claret, then set the glass aside "I'll just get my coat"

Peabody shook her head as Lisbeth tossed a full-length black mink over her bloody silks and swept out between two unifor out to the next heady social engagement

"Man, it takes all kinds She drills the guy, then hands us the case on a platter"

Eve shrugged into her leather jacket, picked up her field kit Thoughtfully, she used solvent to clean the blood and Seal-It from her hands The sweepers would finish up, then secure the scene "We'll never get her on murder one That's just what it was, but I'll lay odds it's pleaded down to ht hours"

"Manslaughter?" Genuinely shocked, Peabody gaped at Eve as they stepped into the tiled elevator for the trip down to the lobby level "Come on, Dallas No way"

"Here's the way" Eve looked into Peabody's dark, earnest eyes, studied her square, no-nonsense face under its bowl-cut hair and police-issue hat And was nearly sorry to cut into that unswerving belief in the syste a weapon with her That cuts down on preood dose of mad, but after a few hours in a cell, if not before, survival instinct will kick in, and she'll lawyer up She's smart, so she'll lawyer smart"

"Yeah, but we've got intent We've got malice She just made a statement for the record"

That was the book As es often becae on it, just e