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"Fuck your cause" Eve yanked her communicator "Keep this area clear Keep it clear There's a hot one left Working now" She shut it down as shouts and orders buzzed through "Live or die," she said, looking into Clarissa's eyes "You still lose"

"Die," she said "My way"

Screah the

"Jesus Christ" Eve wanted to sag to her knees, but braced against the device "Kill this thing, will you?"

"I'ers were slippery, his syste to shut down from loss of blood The readout clicked doenty-six seconds, twenty-five, twenty-four

"It's going to be close" He shut off the pain, as he'd learned to do as a child Get through, get by Survive "Start out I'll be behind you"

"Don't waste your breath" She moved to his side Seventeen, sixteen, fifteen Laid a hand on his shoulder Unified theh the s, lighted his face Dooel, with a mouth of a poet, the eyes of a warrior She'd had a year with hi

"I love you, Roarke"

His ansas a grunt, and it nearly aze froht, seven…

The hand on his shoulder tightened She held her breath

"Would youthat, Lieutenant?"

She whooshed out her breath, stared down at the readout "You killed it"

"With four seconds to spare Not bad" He pulled her against hiood arm Those arrior's eyes were brilliant on hers "Kiss me, Eve"

She let out a whoop of laughter and ignoring the circling lights, the shouts from bull horns, the incessant beep of her communicator, crushed his mouth with hers "We're alive"

"And staying that way" He buried his face in her hair "By the way, thanks for the lift"