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She lit a cigarette Smoke came out of her nose “It see your research”

“Now listen,” I said ?

??I’ to be reasonable about this, but—”

“That’s not good enough,” she said “You’re going to have to find an English him And don’t call me until you do!”

Oh dear All I could think about was my poor bottom


There’s only one thing better than being single, A single, American, in London, and in love over Easter weekend

I wasn’t planning to fall in love Okay, I thought I was, but I didn’t really think it would happen Especially since I’dand as New York men wouldn’t, like novels, I hadn’t found one of theo to bed with To tell you the truth, they all looked a littlegrubby You got the feeling that if they took their clothes off, youyou really didn’t want to know about

Plus, this assign to drive me crazy I kneas, because two days earlier, Grasshopper had apparently checked into the Halcyon Hotel in Holland Park at three in the ot there and what happened after she did, but it appeared that she had eaten a haht hours, she had becohtclubs Apparently, she had also done so to the staff at the hotel, because every time one of them saw her, he or she would look at Grasshopper with a terrified expression and scuttle away

See what I mean?

In fact, I was looking forward to the fact that everyone was going away for the weekend I was planning to take long walks and look at the cherry blossos that were everywhere Even without a man, London was a romantic city: unlike in New York, you could see the sky, and at night there was a full moon When you walked down the street, the people in the coffee shops looked interesting, and at the sandwich shop on the corner, the lady behind the counter said she liked ht so, a car that was half boat that you could drive into the river

Anything can happen, I thought

But I still had to conment


The night before, I had gone trolling at a party at the restaurant MoMo with The Fox The Fox had promised that it would be a party crowd, as opposed to a posh crohich would be er, was there with his bodyguards