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Chapter 1

BRANCHES FROM THE eucalypts and blue gued air

A storh the dense bushland The cabin was isolated and close to a river, with a 270-degree vantage of the valley below, but that was in daylight

Every sense on heightened alert, he scanned the doorfrales for the two strands of hair he’d positioned in the ja both, he exhaled as the door eased open

The urn over the fireplace was exactly as he’d left it too, the tiny notches in the wood lined up precisely with its rim He checked his watch Ninety seconds

He unscrewed the base of the urn and located the USB device, which he secured inside his zippered jacket pocket

His watch buzzed with a slow pulse Someone had infiltrated his perimeter With no road access from the north, they had to be on foot

The pulsing sound doubled Noo people headed towards the cabin Cleaners Men whose job it was to clean upwas left behind

It confirmed he was a priority If they hadinvested in hunting him down

He snatched his backpack and headed for the bedroo at the foot of the bed exposed the trap door

With the alarrabbed a bowie knife fro it into the narrow space between the hatch and floor, dislodging caked dirt

Suave way He squeezed through and lowered himself feet first With a hook and wire he’d screwed into the cavity years before, he reached up, replaced the handle in its recess and repositioned the rug before lowering the hatch

Sweat dripped froain and listened

No other sensors had been tripped Instinct told him there were still just two men out there

On his elbows and stoht, but at least he could propel backwards After a few metres he removed a rope and screw-top tin fro it with a thin layer of nesium powder

Fifteen more metres back and his boots should reach the removable panels at the rear of the wood shed

The sound of feet clo There were two lass smashed

He lit the rope and reverse commando-crawled as fast as his elbows, toes and knees could e

Fla the tunnel to the base of the cabin As he kicked out the shed boards and escaped the tunnel, yelling pierced the night