Page 52 (1/2)


It was a scene out of a horror movie Detective Miller stepped carefully around the bloody footprints leading toward the front door, and over a doll lying in the hallway, its sightless glass eyes directed at the ceiling, its painted e of innocence lost

“All three bodies down in the basement?” he asked the first officer who’d arrived on scene

The young cop nodded and sed, looking as if he was barely holding back a throat full of vomit The detective hadn’t even seen the worst of it yet, but knew this would be one of those scenes that changed the rookie There was always the one That first crilimpse of the infinite evil that existed in the world You could read about it all day long, study case files until the cows came home, but until you were there, until the coppery scent of blood filled your nostrils and you looked upon the dead face of someone who’d been vibrant and alive only hours before, you didn’t really get it You’d never unsee the expression frozen with the unfathomable terror they’d experienced in their last moments How could you?

The detective walked around a picture book in the middle of the hall Love You Forever Yeah, this would be that one, all right

“Neighbor called it in?” he asked the rookie over his shoulder

“Y-yeah” The kid cleared his throat but re roouy next door heard shots and ca was okay He said the front door was open He went downstairs and”

Great The guy had probably disturbed the scene Heon the back of the police cruiser breathing into a paper bag when Detective Miller had arrived a few minutes before

The baseh on the wall The gray shaft of light illuminated the three forms on the floor—two adults and one child Jesus

The detective walked over to the bodies, careful of where he stepped, and then squatted on the floor next to them The woman was nearest to him, curled on her side, blood puddled on the floor next to her Reddish-brown hair covered her face, arms extended toward the smaller of the forms Her last act had been to reach for her child, despite the rope that bound her hands

He took the pen from his shirt pocket and used the covered end to move the hair from her face Her eyes were closed, expression peaceful, as if she were only sleeping She’d been beautiful—he could tell even by her profile Very beautiful and very young He always had this vague instinct to apologize to the able to help them before this happened? For the depravity in the world that he was coainst? He didn’t know exactly what he was sorry for, he just fucking was

He began standing when the wo in a silent screa backward Holy fuck! Had the rookie not checked her fucking pulse? Jesus Christ Jesus Christ! He pulled his radio fro in the silent space like a fucking boh-pitched screaony pierced his ears and his heart

“Detective Miller Godda hurry!”



Dawn’s light spread across the rolling hills, transfor ehtened as the sun’s rays cast out themist My lips curved in a small smile as I watched God’s first miracle Even if there were to be no more today, I’d witnessed this one

I clicked ainst Seneca’s belly “Co for me in a few minutes”

The horse whinnied softly, raising her head fro and turning us toward the stable in the distance, thebehind it, as it, too, beca sun

We rode back at a slow canter as I inhaled the clean, fresh oing to be filled with sunshine

“Morning, Eli” I s her toward her stable

Eli’s face broke into a war on his cheekbones as he stood straight, re back his hair “Isabelle Good ” He walked to me and took Seneca’s reins in his hands “I’ll take care of this girl” His gaze hung on nized as in his eyes—desire—and it made me feel skittish, uncomfortable I truly cared for Eli, but only as a friend I s away

Eli cleared his throat “Anyway, you probably want to get to Mr Talbot I was at the house getting coffee, and he’s already in a snit over so”

My heart jolted “He’s up? He was sleeping soundly when I left”

“Yeah Not sure what the proble to May”