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CELESTE STOOD POISED at the head of the long curving flight of reat hall below It was already croith people in black tie and evening clothes, and servers were circulating with trays of cha weredress, prior to the charity fashion show that was about to start She had arrived slightly late at the stately ho’s venue, but had seized the last-ht, well away from London—and from Karl Reiner

Celeste’s expression tautened even just fro about the man She had knohen she becaes belonging to Reiner Visage—one for each complexion type—that Karl Reiner liked to have a e models, but because he had been preoccupied with another ‘face’—Monique Silva—Celeste had felt it safe to allow herself to be teular money was, even after years in the fickle and intensely cohtly

A bleak expression lit the back of her eyes

There was never, ever, any such thing as easy money—

She of all people should know that

For now Karl had tired of Monique and was turning his attention to Celeste—and he assu as Monique had been

Celeste’s expression hardened Karl Reiner could assuet what he was after from her Not even now he had flown in from New York this weekend specifically to pressure her to extend her contract—and pay the price he wanted her to pay for it

Well, she would not be extending it Yes, themoney was not the be all and end all of her preoccupations A cold miasma seemed to touch at her skin Not any more

Her refusal was a e Karl Reiner didn’t want to hear, and he had demanded she ht To evade hied to volunteer at a late hour for the charity fashion show that was shortly to take place in the grand salon

Just thinking about Karl Reiner and what he wanted of her—what he thought she would provide—intensified the feeling of a coldinto her like a toxic memory, fetid and foul