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Darkhouse Karina Halle 28530K 2023-08-31

"Soood What went on in that lighthouse ues us Like I said, I don’t think it’s haunted but I think there’s been so It’s just waiting for another person to take in"

He looked at me sternly, perhaps with a bit of fear in his eyes I understood what he was saying I felt what he was saying Haunted by Old Roddy or cursed by so in that place that so desperately wantedof all was that I kind of wanted it, too

"And so what happened after?" I asked I needed to ignore s "I mean, did you board it all up? Was it open when you firste first moved here I hadn’t heard any of the tales and neither had Paula (his ex) but I knew deep, deep down there was so terrible about that place I only stepped foot in it once and that was the first time we all went to explore it I think Matthew found part of a jawbone from some sort of animal in one of the rooerous, not to mention hoeak the structures felt on the second floor And really, as the point of having your own defunct lighthouse? It made no sense to ot about it Until last week"

My lip wiggled sheepishly "Yeah, sorry about that"

"Don’t worry, Perry I’ happened to you"

He watchedhad happened toreally did happen to hthouse is evil, a lot of thefeelingsI had about the place would back that up"

He pattedback in there"

I s to know my uncle better Maybe this weekend wasn’t such a waste after all

"Though I ht he--"

Before he could finish that thought, there was a loud knock at the door I ju ot up and opened the front door

"Good , sir I’ve co importance He had a cap on his head and tipped it jauntily

"Come in, Dex" Al ushered him inside and closed the door

Dex walked over to aveCare for soo?" he asked

"Um, oh, sure" I eyed the clock on the wall

"Sorry for just dropping by" He looked at both of us "I tried calling your cell a few times and I texted you, but there was either no answer or I kept getting the wrong number"

His voice lowered over that last part I studied his face His grin faltered slightly Was he lying? No one had called or texted ot out

"Anyway," Dex continued, looking at Al "I’ot to uest I’ away es always happen for a reason"

"I believe that very much, Uncle Al," Dex said He looked atto pack?"

I slaot up and picked up ave n, then promptly turned on his heel and walked out of the house

I looked at Al and rolledhis actions Which I couldn’t So I hugged hi, then scuttled outside after Dex

The SUV was running in the driveway; the steaave it a warh it was only a few yards, I was fairly soaked when I swung the door open and juearshift and gave me the once over

"Were you even alive in the nineties? Because it looks like that decade chewed you up and spit you out again," he said ly

He put the car in reverse and sped the car out of the driveway

"I was born in 1988, for your information Can’t you count?" I spat back at hi of any sort

He turned to me with an excited leer I could tell he was in the

"You’re only a child of the nineties if you had your teenage years during that decade I s"

"You’re the one with the eyebrow ring," I shot back "I think it’s better to eh Otherwise, you’re just holding on to the past"