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Breaking Her RK Lilley 14670K 2023-09-01

We walked past theer The idea was that ere in a bit of a hurry, like the photographers weren't half the reason ere there It would never do to seem too desperate, even if desperation was half of our profession

At least half

We'd chosen a particularly nice day to visit Carbon Beach Only a dozen or so other people were lounging about, giving us plenty of room to play

"Did they follow?" Farrah lanced around surreptitiously "Yes At ten o'clock"

"Looks like the show lanced at her, studying her face She didn't seem like herself Not at all

Iup forokay?" I asked her

She sent me a sheepish s off her purple cover-up Underneath was a lavender string bikini that was tinier than anything I'd ever seen her wear

I checked her out "You look fucking hot, Demi," I pointed out It was not her usual style, but she was knocking it out of the park

She blushed, and it was as adorable as it sounds "Thank you"

"I second that," Harry said with a grin

I shot a glance at Anton, who had the balls to be eyeing her bountiful chest, the lech Soue "Do you third it, Anton?" I asked him archly

"She's basically naked, but yeah, the view is fantastic," he said succinctly, sounding downright bitter about it

I glanced down atout It was ski more skin than anyone else was

My eyes narrowed on Anton ason

He was jealous Over Demi Uh uh Nope He was a shao there Not with my too innocent, too sweet friend

"Hey, beardo," I called to hi away and toward the water "A word"

He joined me in the surf We were up to rapher that still had us in his sights, I threw rippedhands, very familiar with the routine

I wondered if he could tell that I was glaring at hih ht?"

Hissour "What are you talking about?"