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"Holly has requested you and Fiona stay in the castle for the remainder of your trip," Kye said Fiona squealed with exciteot offered a room in a beautiful castle--let alone the NAWC’s castle In hu asked to stay in the White House or Buckingham Castle It was supposed to be a compliment, but I couldn’t muster up any appreciation

"No, thank you I’ at the Inn," I didn’t want to be close to Holly if I didn’t have to

"When Holly requests so orders," Kye sht over as we speak You’ll be on the second floor, room 75, Gwen, and Ms Bennett, you’ll be in 76" Kye turned and walked out of the library

Fiona gave me a sad smile "Oh, come on, how bad could it be?" she asked

I arched an eyebrow and pursed my lips, sure that she had just jinxed us Annoyance at the entire situation snaked its way through hout the stone roo wider as she talked When she flipped her phone shut, she tucked it into her pocket and bit her lip looking at me


"That was Ethan He wants me to meet him, is that okay? Or do you want to discuss Aiden more?" She paused "By the way, I know you’re not stupid and I’m sorry it sounded that way I just want you to be careful, things have changed"

I shook my head "Nope, I’m done You said what you needed to say and so did I"

"We’ll talk later, I promise," she called over her shoulder as she rushed out of the library I laughed and shook ht hadn’t helped but I could still be happy for my best friend She met Ethan the first day we arrived in Moon He had reduced her to a drooling fool with just a wink of his sparkling green eye

Deciding not to drown in my self-pity, I went to the room Kye said was mine At least it wasn’t on the sixth floor where the council h I could easily avoid Holly-- at least I hoped I could

I pushed the door to er than my apartment A four poster bed sat on an upraised platfore, arched s dressed with red velvet drapes lined the back wall and looked over the hedgenext to e "Traitor," I said to y of opening an eye

My cell phone buzzed I flipped my phone open and saw that I had a text froe said

Nope, I texted back Four days without Aiden had affected me more than I expected We’d known each other two years but dated for a feeeks However, in that short tiether, and noas hard to go through the night without seeing him

Meet me in the maze, he texted back

I rushed to theand tried to spot Aiden but the lighting wasn’t bright enough to ht there, I typed as fast as my thumbs would allow and ran out of my roo him, which said a lot If the council found out he was here, he’d be a pile of ash before he knehat happened