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Ian laughed "Aiden could have broken our bond the ainst the va or not There was no way it was true Aiden would break the bond if he kneouldn’t let Ian get toof his shoulders He sat on the park bench and rested his ar rasp

"Aiden wouldn’t do that He wants to help ued

"I did not conjure this dreaht when you talk to hiht"

"How did you know…" I let the sentence trail off I didn’t like that Ian knew my plans

"There isn’t much you can hide froo to ith the vagravates me, since you’rewith his anger I didn’t like the way he thought of ry about my problems

"I’m not yours! You’re amore," I told him

His eye twitched and the hand that rested on his lap balled into a fist I began to speak again, but Ian held up his hand to stop me "Be very careful about what you say next, little witch," Ian warned

I remained silent I wasn’t in a position to taunt a sadistic vaht ic in different forirl," Ian ss I’ve done, but like everything else in the world, there are two sides to every story I have reasons for what I did, and soon you’ll find out what those reasons were" He moved closer to me on the bench His arm wrapped around rabbed ainst h my body

"I could have killed you; it would have been so easy Your blood is one of the strongest I’ve tasted, little witch If I am a monster as you say, why haven’t I killed you? Why do I worry when you’re anxious or upset? Would a monster be so interested in its prey?" Ian pressed a kiss to ment, I closed my eyes from the feel of it

Hison my lips A ind of panicked butterflies erupted in my stomach as I tried to turn ue slipped inside oflike I’d just run a ertips went to my mouth,my own lips inout of bed, I headed to the bathroom--I needed water I turned the faucet on and cuppedthe cold liquid to my mouth I splashed some on my face as well and hoped it would snuff the panicked heat whirling in e mirror over the sink I looked pale, and led mess My blue eyes ith worry I inhaled a deep breath and released it slowly Runninghad fallen out There on the stone floor were two pink petals Bending down, I picked thenolia petals, the sa on the pond It was a dreas back within my mind, but now he could show up in my dreams

I had two hours before the sun set, and I could see Aiden I didn’t believe what Ian said, but a sh my hair and ran downstairs and to the kitchen My storabbed a cup of coffee and absorbed the heat

"How’s training going?" Fiona asked

I ju at a corner table with Ethan My mind was too occupied with Ian and Aiden to notice her Ethan half turned and looked at , but a little too preppy for my taste He wore dark khaki’s with a blue dress shirt tucked in His light brown hair was cut stylishly, and he was currently glaring at me He looked like he could e

"Good," I answered Fiona and walked over to where they sat It had been awhile since Fiona dated anyone, except for when she dated Ian a feeeks ago, but that was more of a spell than love at first site I didn’t like the way Ethan looked ata lot of those types of looks fro a vampire after all

"What are you two up to?" I asked to break the uncomfortable silence I hadn’t seen much of Fiona since she met Ethan, or at least that’s what I toldme like I was last year’s fashion I didn’t have proof of it, just the underlying feeling of doubt

"Ethan and I are attending the Midnight Magical Are you going?" Ethan grabbed Fiona’s hand from across the table, and Fiona smiled wide They were the perfect couple, at least in the looks department They were the type of couple ould live happily ever after behind a white picket fence with two kids andBMWs A small part of ether