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Dorian’s arainst his side We ainst the black vinyl and sat against the wall I watched as Dorian walked up to the bar and ordered two drinks A ave him a head nod that he returned, and when the bartender set the glasses on the bar, Dorian slid hi" I colass in front ofto his lips "You need a drink, you’re too wound up"

We stared at each other for a few lass and took a deep s of the beer "Happy?" I wiped the foaainst the seat and appraised ht and twisted inside The world is filled with problems, has been since the dawn of time, it’s not your job to clean it up"

I arched an eyebrow and snickered It sure as hell felt like it was my mess to clean up The NAWC and Ian Despereaux were most definitely my problems I wished I could have thrown my hands in the air and been done with it, but I couldn’t "If I don’t clean it up, then ill? Are pixies going to co?" My throat suddenly felt dry I hoisted lass to my lips and floodedto snuff my annoyance, but it had helped the dryness I had no clue how to fix the problems I faced today when yesterday’s problems were still a mess

"I wouldn’t put it past thehed I rolledthe snow covered road and a few hus in hand

"Pixies aside, I can’t ignore the complexity of my life, Dorian" I looked over at him "I wish I could, but it’s ht I was talking about the hich was my number one hassle at the moment, but he didn’t knoas also bonded to Ian No one did, besides Aiden, Micah, and Fiona

"Because of your va thatinto" I didn’t really think of Aiden as a problem, except for the fact that I’d been ordered not to see hi that could help break , but it ainst the war?" Dorian took another long drink of his beer I tuckedunder the table "I’ executed I don’t think we should kill those who are innocent That is only going to get the entire vampire population to hate us If we just went after the ones responsible, make examples out them so to speak, then that would show the vaain" I leaned forward and rested hto be at ith vaht about everything themade sense and would only cause hts" Dorian leaned forward and rested his arms on the tabletop, his hands only a few inches from mine I drew my arms back and crossed theel of Death had a sense of huy would be like talking to a brick wall, useless

"I have lasses to hide his eyes, but I could al behind thee your eyes to match your appearance?" I hadn’t meant to say it aloud but my curiosity had formed itself on my lips before I could rein it in

"It’s not a misconception when people say the eyes are the s to the soul I can change everything about ed at his lips "Why, do they creep you out?"

"They did when I first saw the" I smiled "Sorry that was rude, huh?"

"Not at all, I enjoy your honesty" I wondered if he kne refreshing that statement was Not too many people appreciated honesty, not really People want you to say what they want to hear My foot had found refuge inthat Dorian didn’t see it as a flaw

A peaceful silence settled between us We both drank our beers and enjoyed each other’s presence It was so I hadn’t expected e first entered the shoddy bar When I finished the last ofhts evident on his face I didn’t ask him as on his mind; I really didn’t want to know I just wanted to enjoy this tiether and leave the drama buried I didn’t want to dissect what that look meant

"Hey, what ine the place being Dorian’s regular hangout Then again, I didn’t know him that well

"It’s part of the lesson" He flicked his eyes to the roughnecks "Do you feel it?" My lips tightened and I tried to sense whatever it was he was referring to but I ca?"
