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"It orse than seeing the dead," I said between heavy breaths

"That’s because the dead are at peace,allows their eives the et better the etting tired of you saying that How ets better?" I released an aggravated sigh "I freaking hate this!"

Dorian began laughing which only pissed me off more "You sound like a petulant child"

"What about you? You’re this creepy powerful Angel of Death, yet Holly has you by the leash like a little lapdog I guess we both have probleer hardened Dorian’s face; he walked to his hed tohad been so immature; we’d both acted like children I couldn’t seeh, I didn’t understand why he’d do Holly’s bidding, and he wouldn’t explain it to me Holly may have had control over him and Kye, but I could still practice free will and make my own decisions

I hailed a cab and directed the driver towards Aiden’s hotel He was the only person who’d be able to calm the storm that churned within me


I slipped the plastic keycard in Aiden’s door All it took was a little enchantive it to me Aiden would be asleep for the rest of the day, but at least I could be close to hi open easily, and I made sure to close it quietly behind ued with the sunrise They needed to sleep, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t wake up There were a lot of attacks when the Revelation happened Hu the day, but they were mistaken Several lives were lost due to those inaccuracies

I shrugged out of my coat and set it on the back of a chair Aiden slept with both ars leaving his chest uncovered I loved the valleys of his muscular body as his chest rose and fell with each breath His dark hair was a carelessa peaceful face The corners of my mouth turned up as ht of the man I loved

I crawled onto the spare bed so I wouldn’t disturb him and drifted off to sleep

Sand squished between my toes as I walked across the desert Tall, stone pyraodly temples Stars shone like diamonds above and the moon bathed the landscape in silvery beams

"You are absolutely beautiful, little witch" Ian’s voice came from behindshirt His blonde hair was cut close to his scalp and his blue eyes were bright even in the darkness The color of blue that was associated with brew drinkers

Ian walked towards me and reached a hand towards my face I jerked back to avoid contact, but his arainst his chest before I could run away He dipped his nose toin delight fros scraped along rasp Ian chuckled squeezing ue snaked its way upat h his pants, rubbing against rip

"I’ll never be yours! You’re a disgusting monster"

Ian turned me around so ere face to face His eyes were black, a sinister ss "You’re attracted toyour desires will only torment you, Gwen" His hand caressed ed through me at as about to happen I flailed in his arainst one of the pyramids Ian captured my wrist in one hands and held them above my head while his free hand ripped nored them "Stop!" I screamed

His mouth captured my nipple, and he sucked until it had turned hard His hand trailed down s I clah Ian rubbed his fingers in circles over s sunk intolike what I had experienced before His bite was agonizing It felt as if an aniular I screamed and cried but he only sucked harder

"I’d play nice if I were you," he said against my skin "I can make it hurt," Ian warned and bit down to prove just how ood" He continued to rub the spot between ain

"Doesn’t that feel good, Gwen? Don’t you crave it? Don’t you want to feel ht back to sanity while he spoke The venom of his bite still made my body weak in the knees, but I could thinkto do with you I hate you!" I said between clenched teeth