Page 13 (1/2)

"I should have done so," I whispered

"Listen, I don’t know exactly what happened, but I know you, Gwen I know you fought back and didn’t uilt Not once had I tried to use ainst hi compared to a va with the council tonight; I’ll fix it, Gwen"

Two hard knocks banged on the main door and made me jump Aiden left the bathroom and answered the door "Where is she? What happened?" I heard Fiona ask I closedout of the shower I slipped into a bathrobe that hung on the back of the door and eyed ust, I’d burn thee of the bed with her head in her hands Aiden stood next to the largeand stared out at the city below When I walked closer, both of their heads turned towards me I hated the pity in their eyes Both of them watched me cautiously I looked away to escape their stares

"Gwen" Fiona stood but didn’t touch ain Fiona’s hesitation faded, and she wrappedreleased as soon as I felt the comfort of her ar with ht of Aiden over Fiona’s shoulder, and I mouthed the words, "Thank you" I desperately needed my best friend and he had known Aiden wasn’t able to comfort me at the moment, but he had made sure someone would It was only one of the ive you two time alone I’ll be at the bar if you need me"

When he left, Fiona and I sat on the bed "What happened? Aiden said Ian had done so bad to you and you were hysterical"

My eyes closed and I hung my head, not sure if I wanted to explain the details of what Ian had done I thought about what it would be like if it had happened to Fiona, and I kneould go insane fro crazy as speculations bombarded their minds What Ian had done was horrible, but at least it hadn’t gone further

I ended up telling Fiona everything and watched as tears fell against her cheeks She watched uilt demanded that she and Aiden be mad at me, as stupid as that sounded I felt like I deserved it

"You have to tell the council, Gwen"

"What?" I gaped at her like she’d lost her e, and the last people I wanted to hear about this was the council

"Not about what he did, but that you guys are bonded It’s dangerous, Gwen They ed for my cooperation It made sense that the NAWC could have infor with one of his council ht to discuss how to break the bond If that doesn’t work, I’ll tell our council, okay?"

Fiona looked apprehensive, but nodded her head "All right, if that’s what you want Nohat does a girl have to do to get a little room service around here?"

An hour passed before Aiden came back to the room Fiona and I were surrounded with food and a se Will and Grace reruns played on the television, and we laughed as Grace poked her water bra and it spurted everywhere

I looked at Aiden and s a little bit like myself Warmth emanated within me as he watched me He still seemed unsure on whether he should touch ed hi close to Aiden didn’t sendI inhaled his spicy clean scent and let it sootheI knoas a little crazy earlier" I said against his chest

"If I have to tell you to stop apologizing oneto take away the chocolate," Aiden warned Fiona and I had ordered everything they had in chocolate--ice creahed

Aiden smiled and nodded his head The at careful around me and I hated it I didn’t want to appear weak

"Fiona, can I speak to you for a moment?" Aiden asked

I arched my eyebrows in confusion, not sure why he couldn’t talk to her in front of me Fiona hopped off of the bed and they walked outside the roo to helpit was hopeless, I pressed my face to the peephole Aiden had his arms crossed and a ticked off look on his face while Fiona spoke It looked like she was telling him what happened, which annoyed me Aiden should have heard it froer becah his hair and then fisted thelimpse of black in his eyes before he closed the, Aiden said some words and she nodded her head They turned to come back into the room I ran over to the bed and sat down so that they wouldn’t know I had been eavesdropping "Everything okay?" I pretended to watch television

"Yeah," Aiden said with a smile "I have to meet with Aaron You and Fiona are welcome to stay if you’d like"