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The glass bowl filled with a an concocting the spell She held her hand out, palrabbed a pearl handled knife and held it tothe tip inside I shrieked and tried to tear my hand away, but she held it over the mixture

"We need your blood to bind the spell to you," she said

Crimson droplets dripped into the bowl and sizzled in the herbs I looked up at Fiona ide eyes, but the s was always fascinating, but I never had an urge to practice it because every spell called for blood Call me crazy, but I preferred my blood to stay in my body "What do we do now?"

Fiona chanted words I couldn’t understand and lit the mixture on fire A whoosh of flames erupted within the bowl and dissipated just as quickly Dark red sid as the tendrils coiled around , but the more I watched it dance aroundintoarms and sed back the horror as !" Fiona squealed as a huge smile appeared on her face

"Why do you sound surprised?"

Fiona was quiet for a h her eyelashes "I’inner, Gwen Sometimes, not all the tihtly

"Get on with it, Fiona"

"Some of my spells haven’t worked, but this one is"

My eyes closed, and I took a deep breath The last thing I needed was to be used as Fiona’s guinea pig I hoped she was right and that the smoke from the spell was supposed to absorb into my skin "Okay, so what is the spell supposed to do?"

She picked up the supplies "It’ll block Ian froy rushed through my body like I overdosed on caffeine I couldn’t stop fro

"Um, Fiona?"

"Yeah?" She looked up

"I think you did soized like the Duracell bunny" My voice was excited yet panicked I began ju an outlet I wanted to do a ure out which one to do first

Fiona watched redients "I don’t knohat happened; I did exactly what the book said Stay here, I’ll go get Ethan" She rushed out of room

I rolledto calm me down I couldn’t just stand and wait,downstairs, I e looks as I ran through the castle laughing like a crazed woht I’d lost my mind, maybe I had, who knohat spell Fiona accidently concocted

I darted through the gy a moment to take a breath, I rushed a practice dummy "You want a piece of me?" I bounced on my feet like a boxer and held my hands in front of my face ready to strike the dummy My fist connected with the plastic face "Take that biatch!" I laughed as I punched again My leg kicked at the mannequin’s stomach, but before I could make contact a voice disrupted o, ninja," Dorian said fro a few feet aith a grin plastered on his face My laughter rose as I watched hi onto my side, I bounced to my feet "No, I’m mad at you, Mr Death Boy"

"Mr Death Boy? What are you like five years old?" Dorian chuckled

"Ha ha very funny You’re the one who left me on the side of the street, so don’t talk about ed out of his leather jacket and laid it off to the side and then chucked his sunglasses on top of his coat

"I did, and I apologize for leaving you You are very irritating soh, so no harm no foul"

My lip lifted on one side as I sneered He didn’t knohat happened tothe victi real?"