Page 34 (1/2)

With a tre to make the pieces fall into place

"Does this mean Holly is the one who told Ian about our blood?" I asked Dorian

"I don’t know, but that’s what it sounds like" Dorian pushed off of the tree and walked over tothe paper from my hands, he scanned the text "Why would she leave this out for anyone to find it?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief

It didn’t make sense Why would Holly share a secret with a person like Ian? And if it were true, Dorian was right, she wouldn’t leave it just lying around to be found

"Maybe Ian was lying, he’s not trustworthy" As much as I didn’t like Holly, I didn’t think she was in cahoots with Ian "Why’d you show ement"

Dorian folded the paper and shoved it in his pocket "What gave you that i to her about me"

Dorian’s face relaxed as a s? What did you hear?" He took a couple steps forward, his head tilted to the side as he waited for my response I didn’t like how close he was My body tensed, and I fisted my hands at my side I sed a few times to ease the dryness that settled inany questions, and you said the only ones I asked were about my powers What questions was she afraid I’d ask, Dorian?" I paused as I observed his face to see if his body language changed He remained aloof and amused "Why are you here? You said you’re neutral, so why help the witches?"

Dorian stepped closer, edging me backwards until ainst the bark and pinned lasses, I could feel theth of my body A smirk dimpled his cheeks He leaned in closer so only a few inches separated our faces

"I didn’t agree to train the new spirit walker until I saw you on the side of the road I knehat you were and you were the one Holly wanted trained I came for you, Gwen," Dorian kept his voice low and soft, but that didn’t stop chills fro ht I witnessed the car accident? He agreed to help Holly only to get close to me?

"Dorian, I can’t do this"

"Tellwhen I’m close Tell me you don’t search a roo right now, that you don’t want me to kiss you, and I’ll leave you alone" He leaned closer, and s when he was close, but that didn’t change the fact that I loved Aiden Attraction wasn’t enough to put my relationship in jeopardy I watched his full lips so close to el of Death would be like?

"You can’t, can you?" Dorian teased

"I don’t have feelings for you, Dorian," I told hi I did feel a connection would only hurt hi would ever or could ever transpire between us, at least not the way he wanted it

"Liar," he whispered before his mouth found h my body

"Stop!" I used both hands to shove hiuy, not easy to move, but he stumbled back a couple steps

"It’ll never be like that between us I’ht me, but I love Aiden I’m sorry if I led you on--"

"Stop, I don’t need your pity If you choose to lie to yourself, so be it, but he’ll never understand you the way I do, Gwen" Dorian turned to walk away My fingertips trailed ainbizarre and a pure steah my veins

"Dorian, wait!"

He half turned and looked over his shoulder Taking a few steps forward, I stared for a few moments

"I need to know if you and Holly have a plan for me I have no clue who I can trust Can I trust you?" It was a stupid question, I knew that He could lie and feed ain e by his body language I liked Dorian, more than I should, and after I was done in Moon, I hoped to see hiain I wanted us to be friends There was still a lot to learn, and he was the only one who could teach me what I needed to know