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"How dare you!" Holly snapped, feigning innocence

"I saw it too" Aiden stepped out froroup of his va back and forth Holly took a couple steps backwards as her gaze traveled over theabout?" Charles questioned, without enough suspicion If Holly were able to talk her way out of this ether," Holly argued "They want you to think I’ over to her, I tried to punch the lying bitch But h her face Holly’s features furrowed as she looked at the space in front of her, not seeingIt took a lot of concentration toto feel weak fro Ian

"Responsible for what?" Patrick questioned

Obviously, the council had just arrived on the scene They didn’t seem sure about what happened A sle under their penetrating stares

"I’athered; Gwen has been dabbling in black ic She transported us here so she and Ian could killquestioned? Seize her and take her back to Moon"

Charles walked over to Holly and placed a hand on her shoulder "We’re just trying to understand what happened No one is accusing you of anything"

"Gas not involved with Ian Despereaux," Aiden spoke up "If you wish to conde for will happened"

The group of vas down and eyes blackened One word frouard over my body while everyone waited for the other to strike first It was frustrating not being able to speak for myself, but I was happy to have these two men to speak on my behalf Whether or not their chivalry could savequestion

"If what you say is true, I think a trial would be the best way to settle this ht if we don’t have to," Charles stated Charles seeroup, the others looked ht

"This is ridiculous!" Holly stomped her foot "She tried to kill me, and last time I checked, it was a death sentence to harm a counciltrouble understanding exactly what happened We cannot sentence Gwen to death until all the facts are clear Does everyone agree?" He turned to the re members

Time slowed as I waited for the verdict Their stillness made my nerves twist as I held reeing nods, joyful relief soared through o to trial," Charles stated


Three days passed after that horrible night The NAWCspell on me--should I feel the need to flee The trial was scheduled for teeks froh I should have been nervous and afraid, I kneas innocent The only emotion I felt was impatience I didn’t like that Holly had teeks to plan a counter attack Knowing her, she’d find a way to kill me before I had a chance to tell the council what really happened Charles surprised ht to sharemy entire stay in Moon, he’d been passive I was happy in the end he found his voice and spoke up for hts I placed the coffee carafe I’d been filling down and opened the door Aiden stood on the other side of the threshold, his hands stuffed in his pockets and uncertainty on his face

"Can we talk?" he asked

I regarded him for a few moments, still not sure whether or not I should trust hi over every little detail of our relationship Those three long days had been filled with tear stained cheeks and a piles of snotty tissues